


當前位置:首頁 > 技術文章 > 上海起發neuroprobe2022年價格表


更新時間:2022-02-23      點擊次數:1052

Neuro Probe 成立于 1960 年代后期,最初專注于慢性立體定向設備的開發和制造。在 1970 年代初期,公司的發展和多樣化導致了趨化儀器的開發和生產,從改進的Boyden 室開始 ,然后是各種 盲井室。1980 年,  與在美國國立衛生研究院工作的 Edward Leonard 博士和 Werner Falk 博士合作開發了48 孔微趨化室。該腔室已成為該領域的標準,并已成為開發許多新產品的基礎。最近推出的是 ChemoTx® 系統.


101-3ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 3mm poresea1445neuroprobe
101-5ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 5mm poresea1445neuroprobe
101-8ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 8mm poresea1445neuroprobe
101-10ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 10mm poresea1445neuroprobe
101-12ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 12mm poresea1445neuroprobe
106-3ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 3mm poresea1445neuroprobe
106-5ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 5mm poresea1445neuroprobe
106-8ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 8mm poresea1445neuroprobe
106-10ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 10mm poresea1445neuroprobe
106-12ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 12mm poresea1445neuroprobe
111-3ChemoTx® - 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 3mm poresea1496neuroprobe
111-5ChemoTx® - 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 5mm poresea1496neuroprobe
111-8ChemoTx® - 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 8mm poresea1496neuroprobe
111-10ChemoTx® - 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 10mm poresea1496neuroprobe
111-12ChemoTx® - 300ml 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 12mm poresea1496neuroprobe
116-3ChemoTx® - 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 3mm poresea1496neuroprobe
116-5ChemoTx® - 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 5mm poresea1496neuroprobe
116-8ChemoTx® - 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 8mm poresea1496neuroprobe
116-10ChemoTx® - 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 10mm poresea1496neuroprobe
116-12ChemoTx® - 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 12mm poresea1496neuroprobe
201-2ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 2mm pores w/PVPea1615neuroprobe
206-2ChemoTx® - 30mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 2mm pores w/PVPea1615neuroprobe
211-2ChemoTx® - 300mL 96 well microplate, 3.2mm sites, 2mm pores w/PVPea1666neuroprobe
216-2ChemoTx® - 300mL 96 well microplate, 5.7mm sites, 2mm pores w/PVPea1666neuroprobe
A3BP48Three-tiered chamberea21114neuroprobe
A10GReplacement gasket for AA10 chamberea799neuroprobe
A12GReplacement gasket for AA12 chamberea799neuroprobe
A96GReplacement gasket for AA96 chamberea918neuroprobe
AA1010-well chamber with 400mL lower well capacityea12376neuroprobe
AA1212-well chamber with 150mL lower well capacityea13260neuroprobe
AA96A-series 96-well chamber, 80mL lower volume, 32mm2 areaea26435neuroprobe
AB96A-series 96-well chamber, 30mL lower volume, 18mm2 areaea26435neuroprobe
AC4848-well chamber with filter retaining hardware, 25mL lower volume, 8mm2 areaea19108neuroprobe
AC96A-series 96-well chamber, 25mL lower volume, 8mm2 areaea26435neuroprobe
AP4848-well chamber, 25mL lower volume, 8mm2 areaea15470neuroprobe
AP48KIT48-well chamber, Accessory Pack, and 50 each of PFB5 and PFB8 filtersea20332neuroprobe
B96GReplacement gasket for AB96 chamberea918neuroprobe
BW100Blind well, 4.7mm well dia., 100mL lower wellea1071neuroprobe
BW200LBlind well, 8.0mm well dia., 200mL lower wellea1071neuroprobe
BW200SBlind well, 4.7mm well dia., 200mL lower wellea1275neuroprobe
BW25Blind well, 4.7mm well dia., 25mL lower wellea1071neuroprobe
BWR24Rack for 24 blind well chambersea2550neuroprobe
BWRLReplacement retainer for BW200L chambersea548.25neuroprobe
BWRSReplacement retainer for BW25, BW100, or BW200S chambersea548.25neuroprobe
BY312"Boyden" chamberea2550neuroprobe
BYRReplacement retainer for Boyden chamberea548.25neuroprobe
C48GReplacement gasket for AC48 chamberea799neuroprobe
C48TMTemplate for AC48 chamberea901neuroprobe
C96GReplacement gasket for AC96 chamberea918neuroprobe
DC88-well cell settling chamberea0neuroprobe
DC8APCentrifuge accessory pack: 1xDC8CW, 2xDC8CAea0neuroprobe
DC8GReplacement gasket for DC8 chamberea0neuroprobe
DC8WF1Wicking material (box of 50)ea0neuroprobe
FP196-well Funnel Plateea187neuroprobe
IA-100Reusable insert for MBA96 chamber, 100mL volumeea5083neuroprobe
IB-50Reusable insert for MBB96 chamber, 50mL volumeea5083neuroprobe
IC-25Reusable insert for MBC96 chamber, 25mL volumeea5083neuroprobe
MA96GReplacement gasket for MBA96 Chamberea850neuroprobe
MB96GReplacement gasket for MBB96 chamberea850neuroprobe
MBA96MB-series 96-well chamber, 32mm2 areaea30005neuroprobe
MBB96MB-series 96-well chamber, 18mm2 areaea30005neuroprobe
MBC96MB-series 96-well chamber, 8mm2 areaea30005neuroprobe
MC96GReplacement gasket for MBC96 chamberea850neuroprobe
MP30Neuro Probe 30mL plate, set of 15ea1564neuroprobe
MPC400mL plate, clear polystyrene, set of 15ea1020neuroprobe
N6SSmall replacement thumb nuts (set of 6)ea102neuroprobe
P48APAccessory pack 1xP48W/CL/CS and 2xP48Fea1453.5neuroprobe
P48CLLarge filter clampea72.25neuroprobe
P48CSSmall filter clampea72.25neuroprobe
P48FCurved eye dressing forcepsea178.5neuroprobe
P48GReplacement gasket for AP48 chamberea799neuroprobe
P48HReplacement post hardware for micro chambers (1 each)ea238neuroprobe
P48TMTemplate for AP48 chamberea850neuroprobe
P48WFilter wiperea960.5neuroprobe
PFA22mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea3961neuroprobe
PFA33mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea4641neuroprobe
PFA55mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea3961neuroprobe
PFA88mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea3961neuroprobe
PFA1010mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea4182neuroprobe
PFA1212mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea4182neuroprobe
PFB33mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea4930neuroprobe
PFB55mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea4930neuroprobe
PFB88mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea4930neuroprobe
PFB1010mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea6732neuroprobe
PFB1212mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea6732neuroprobe
PFC33mm polycarbonate filters, 34x41mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea5100neuroprobe
PFC88mm polycarbonate filters, 34x41mm, PVP free, quantity 100 filtersea5100neuroprobe
PFD22mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filtersea6528neuroprobe
PFD33mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filtersea6528neuroprobe
PFD55mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filtersea6528neuroprobe
PFD88mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filtersea6528neuroprobe
PFD1010mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filtersea6528neuroprobe
PFD1212mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, PVP free, quantity 15 filtersea6528neuroprobe
PFD2/A2mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filtersea7956neuroprobe
PFD3/A3mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filtersea7956neuroprobe
PFD5/A5mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filtersea7956neuroprobe
PFD8/A8mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filtersea7956neuroprobe
PFD10/A10mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filtersea7956neuroprobe
PFD12/A12mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, PVP free, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filtersea7956neuroprobe
PRA33mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, with PVP, quantity 100ea4267neuroprobe
PRA55mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, with PVP, quantity 100ea3961neuroprobe
PRA88mm polycarbonate filters, 13mm dia, with PVP, quantity 100ea3961neuroprobe
PRB33mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, with PVP, quantity 100ea4930neuroprobe
PRB55mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, with PVP, quantity 100ea4930neuroprobe
PRB88mm polycarbonate filters, 25x80mm, with PVP, quantity 100ea4930neuroprobe
PRD22mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, with PVP (15 filters/pack)ea6528neuroprobe
PRD33mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, with PVP (15 filters/pack)ea6528neuroprobe
PRD55mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, with PVP (15 filters/pack)ea6528neuroprobe
PRD88mm polycarbonate filters for reusable 96 well chambers, with PVP (15 filters/pack)ea6528neuroprobe
PRD2/A2mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, with PVP, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filtersea7956neuroprobe
PRD3/A3mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, with PVP, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filtersea7956neuroprobe
PRD5/A5mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, with PVP, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filtersea7956neuroprobe
PRD8/A8mm polycarbonate filters with adhesive, with PVP, for MB-series chambers, quantity 15 filtersea7956neuroprobe
SP3Replacement spacer for MPC, for use in MB-series 96-well chambers made after 2001ea1139neuroprobe
SP30Spacer for MP30, for use in MB-series 96-well chambersea1071neuroprobe
SSC4Stainless steel filter clips (set of 4)ea459neuroprobe
Z02Zigmond glass slide chamberea5610neuroprobe


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