ArcticZymes是一家致力于從寒冷深海物種種提取耐寒生化試劑用于分子生物學及診斷試劑研究的高科技公司,并且是該領域的*。該公司始于于上世紀八十年代,zui初的目的是深入開發挪威北部漁業副產品的。九十年代中因應生物工程技術的需要,ArcticZymes開始研發及生產北部寒冷深海物種為原料的堿性磷酸酶。2009 年ArcticZymes公司正式成立,提供以耐寒酶類為特色的各種分子生物學研究及診斷試劑研發的多款試劑,適應于PCR及RNA提取等各種條件下DNA*清除,復雜條件下酶促反應(高鹽、低溫等)。
1、概述:作為高度靈敏的核酸檢測方法,PCR實驗(特別是qPCR)非常容易受到各種污染,如含有大腸桿菌DNA的 PCR聚合酶,樣本中細菌DNA,以及dNTP、緩沖體系與引物中的污染。這些雜DNA的污染直接導致靈敏度的減少、假陽性等錯誤結果的出現。方法非常敏感細菌的DNA污染和細菌DNA的痕跡都可以在主人的混合和聚合酶。當使用qPCR檢測或量化的少量的細菌DNA,污染E。桿菌DNA可能造成假陽性的結果。因此清除這些雜DNA對于獲得精準的PCR/qPCR結果尤為重要。ArcticZymes公司的PCR實驗去污試劑盒專門設計為清除PCR預混體系中的污染DNA成分,不影響PCR的靈敏度。
c、60?C dsDNase酶失活20分鐘(在試劑盒提供的DTT存在的前提下,dsDNase被不可逆失活,可確保后續PCR實驗中模板的穩定性);
4、商品規格:50/250 time
1. Comparative Analysis of Stress Induced Gene Expression in Caenorhabditis elegans following Exposure to Environmental and Lab Reconstituted Complex Metal Mixture
Kumar R, Pradhan A, Khan FA, Lindström P, Ragnvaldsson D, Ivarsson P, et al. (2015). PLoS ONE 10(7): e0132896. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132896
2. Multi-platform assessment of transcriptome profiling using RNA-seq in the ABRF next-generation sequencing study
Nature Biotechnology 32, 915–925 (2014) doi:10.1038/nbt.2972
Received 14 May 2013 Accepted 01 July 2014 Published online 24 August 2014
1、概述:該款雙鏈特異的DNase提取自北極寒冷條件下的小蝦Pandalus borealis,具有*的雙鏈特異性,可在單鏈DNA分子如引物、探針的條件下清除PCR體系中的雙鏈污染DNA。
3、使用說明:見Heat&Run gDNA 清除試劑盒。
4、商品規格: 250 U/1000 U(Conc.: 2U/µl), 2500 U (5U/µl)
1、概述:HL-dsDNase是dsDNase的基因工程加工品,可在中等的溫度下(55°C,pH 大于 8.0)快速地*失活。可*地適用于從RNA中清除DNA污染(可在鎂離子存在下)。
3、使用說明:見Heat&Run gDNA 清除試劑盒,更適用于熱啟動RT酶的反轉錄實驗,在室溫時基因組DNA被清除,在熱啟動反轉錄時即失活酶。
4、商品規格:250 U/1000 U(2U/µl),2500 U(5U/µl)
1、概述:Cod Uracil-DNA Glycosylase提取自大西洋鱈魚,是目前*一款可商業化采購的耐寒Uracil-DNA 轉葡糖基酶制品,可在溫和加熱條件下不可逆失活。適用于在PCR及q PCR實驗中避免出現Carry-over(實驗室其它PCR產物污染,如空氣、手套、槍頭、公用試劑、容器等)。目前避免Carry-over污染的有效措施是在PCR擴增過程中用dUTP 取代dTTP,即在PCR擴增前,PCR混合物用尿嘧啶DNA糖基酶(Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UNG))處理,在變性階段(堿性條件下)溫度升高至95°C,導致非嘧啶位點和carry-over DNA片段的斷裂 (如下圖),而目標模板因為含有胸腺嘧啶不受UNG處理的影響。
熱不穩定性,55°C時*地不可逆失活,是目前*可與一步法RT-qPCR 兼容的UNG,且比減少實驗靈敏度;
有效清除RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, qPCR及 kPCR實驗中存在的Carry-over污染,且不降低靈敏度;
高純度,SDS-PAGE檢測,無污染的核苷酸或E. coli DNA;
高活性:: >500 000 Units/mg;
濃度:zui小至1 000 Units/ml;
高穩定性:-20°C存放兩年,4°C存放 6 個月,可忍受多個冷凍-解凍循環。
Cod UNG適用于所有商業化獲取的預混體系,請務必確認您已經在前期PCR實驗中使用含有dUTP 的dNTP 混合物。
a、直接添加0.25 U Cod UNG至25 µl PCR反應體系;
b、室溫孵育5 min;
-20°C or 4°C存儲PCR產物直至進一步產物分析或應用。
a、直接添加0.2 U Cod UNG至 20 µl RT-PCR反應體系;
b、室溫孵育5 min;
c、反轉錄(50- 55°C)
4、商品規格:100 U/1000 U(1U/µl)、2500 U(5U/µl)
1. Complex Species Status for Extinct Moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes) from the Genus EuryapteryxLeon Huynen and David M. Lambert* (2014)
PLoS One. 2014; 9(3): e90212. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090212
2. Highly Informative Ancient DNA ‘Snippets’ for New Zealand Moa
Jonathan McCallum,1 Samantha Hall,1 Iman Lissone,2 Jennifer Anderson,2 Leon Huynen,1 and David M. Lambert1,* (2013)PLoS One. 2013; 8(1): e50732. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0050732.
3. Removal of deaminated cytosines and detection of in vivo methylation in ancient DNA.Briggs A.W., et al. (2009)Nucleic Acids Research. doi:10.1093/nar/gkp1163.
4. Transcripts of developmentally regulated Plasmodium falciparum genes quantified by real-time RT-PCR.Blair P.L., et al. (2002)Nucleic Acids Research. 30(10): 2224-2231.
5. An Efficient Multistrategy DNA Decontamination Procedure of PCR Reagents for Hypersensitive PCR Applications.Champlot Sophie, Camille Berthelot, Mélanie Pruvost, E. Andrew Bennett, Thierry Grange, Eva-Maria Geigl. (2010)PLoS ONE 5(9): e13042. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013042.
6. Development of a novel rapid assay to assess the fidelity of DNA double-strand-break repair in human tumour cells.Collis S.J., et al. (2002)
Nucleic Acids Research. 30(2): e1.
7. Mutational analysis of the engrailed homeodomain recognition helix by phage display.Connolly J., et al. (1999)Nucleic Acids Research. 27(4): 1182-1189.
8. A novel method employing UNG to avoid carry-over contamination in RNA- PCR. Epstein U.J., et al. (1993),Nucleic Acids Research. 21(16): 3917-3918.
9. Avoiding false positives with PCR.Kwok S., Higuchi R. (1989)Nature. 339: 237 – 238.
10. Direct isolation of poly(A)+ RNA from 4 M guanidine thiocyanate-lysed cell extracts using locked nucleic acid-oligo(T) capture.Jacobsen N., et al. (2004)Nucleic Acids Research. 32(7): e64.
11. Quantitative assessment of the effect of uracil-DNA glycosylase on amplicon DNA degradation and RNA amplification in reverse transcription-PCR.Kleiboeker S.B. (2005)Virology Journal. 2: 29.
12. Uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG) influences the melting temperature (T(m)) of herpes simplex virus (HSV) hybridization probes.Leblanc J.J., Pettipas J., Campbell S.J., Davidson R.J., Hatchette T.F. (2008)J Virol Methods. 151(1): 158-60. Epub May, 12. 2008.
13. Use of uracil DNA glycosylase to control carry-over contamination in polymerase chain reactions Longo M.C., et al. (1990)Gene. 93: 125-128.
14. Minimizing DNA contamination by using UNG-coupled quantitative real-time PCR on degraded DNA samples: application to ancient DNA studies.Pruvost M. et al. (2005)BioTechniques. 38: 569-575.
15. Determination of detection and quantification limits for SNP allele frequency estimation in DNA pools using real time PCR.Schwarz G., et al. (2004)Nucleic Acids Research. 32(3): e24-.
16. Relationships between yeast Rad27 and Apn1 in response to apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites in DNAWu X., Wang Z. (1999)Nucleic Acids Research. 27(4): 956-962.
1、概述:堿性磷酸酶是基因克隆中去除空載體的理想試劑,然而常規堿性磷酸酶在該過程中冗長而易于出錯。而我公司的SAP因為可在簡單的加熱處理后*失活,并且適應大多數限制性內切酶的緩沖體系,可在酶切過程中通過直接添加SAP完成清除空載體的目的,而無需麻煩的計算及多步驟的孵育過程。Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP)是ArcticZymes1993年首度從深海寒冷蝦中開發提提取的新型堿性磷酸酶, 2010獲得優化重組的版本rSAP。因其便利而*的在較低溫度下*失活的性質,無需在后續實驗中進行清除程序,該酶已成為目前zui的DNA修飾酶產品。
高活性(>2 000 Units/mg);
65°C 5分鐘,75°C 1分鐘即可*失活(PCR反應中37°C到95°C然后回到37°C過程即可使之*失活);
可從DNA/RNA/ dNTPs/蛋白中清除5-磷酸端,可直接添加至限制性內切酶進行消化處理,無需添加鋅離子或其它活性離子;
單位酶活:在37ºC,pH 10.4的甘氨酸緩沖液中,一單位SAP每分鐘可反應1 µmol p-nitrophenyl phosphate,1單位SAP相當于5到40單位Antarctic Phosphatase (New England Biolabs),1.3 單位APex phosphatase,35單位NTPhos phosphatase (Epicentre)。
A、在含有限制性內切酶的環境下(SAP用量:不少于0.1 U SAP/單位限制性內切酶)
· 1 µg質粒
· 5 Unit 限制性內切酶
· 5 µl 10x 限制性內切酶緩沖液
· 1 單位SAP
· 加雙蒸水至50 µl
37°C孵育1小時, 失活處理,然后進入連接步驟。
在限制性剪切完成之后,簡單地直接加入5 U SAP/ µg載體, 37°C孵育5 min失活處理,然后進入連接步驟。
4、商品規格:1000/5000 U。
Generating In Vivo Cloning Vectors for Parallel Cloning of Large Gene Clusters by Homologous Recombination Jeongmin Lee, Eugene Rha, Soo-Jin Yeom, Dae-Hee Lee, Eui-Sung Choi and Seung-Goo Lee* (2013) PLoS One. 2013; 8(11): e79979. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079979
應用于基因分析或測序前清除d NTP
1. Medium-throughput SNP genotyping using mass spectrometry: multiplex SNP genotyping using the iPLEX® Gold assay. Millis M.P. (2011) Methods Mol Biol. 700:61-76.
2. Highly multiplexed genotyping of thiopurine s-methyltransferase variants using MALD-TOF mass spectrometry: reliable genotyping in different ethnic groups. Schaeffeler E., Zanger U.M., Eichelbaum M., Asante-Poku S., Shin J.G., Schwab M. (2008) Clin Chem. 54(10): 1637-47. Epub. Aug 7. 2008.
3. Dried reagents for multiplex genotyping by tag-array minisequencing to be used in microfluidic devices. Ahlford A., Kjeldsen B., Reimers J., Lundmark A., Romani M., Wolff A., Syvänen A.C., Brivio M. (2010) Analyst. 135(9): 2377-85. Epub Jul 29. 2010.
4. Genotyping SNPs using a UV-photocleavable oligonucleotide in MALDI-TOF MS. Vallone P.M., Fahr K., Kostrzewa M. (2005) Methods Mol Biol. 297: 169-78.
5. A gel-free SNP genotyping method: bioluminometric assay coupled with modified primer extension reactions (BAMPER) directly from double-stranded PCR products. Zhou G.H., Shirakura H., Kamahori M., Okano K., Nagai K., Kambara H. (2004) Hum Mutat. ug. 24(2): 155-63.
6. G2 checkpoint in uterine cervical cancer with HPV 16 E6 according to p53 polymorphism and its screening value. Cho N.H., Lim S.Y., Kim Y.T., Kim D., Kim Y.S., Kim J.W. (2003) Gynecol Oncol. 90(1): 15-22.
7. A novel procedure for efficient genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Sauer S., Lechner D., Berlin K., Lehrach H., Escary J.L., Fox N., Gut I.G. (2000) Nucleic Acids Res. 28(5): E13.
8. ExoSAP-IT™ Affymetrix (previously USB) has for several years utilized SAP together with Exonuclease I (ExoSAP-ITTM), to offer a simple, fast and cost efficient way to purify PCR products before Sequencing and genotyping. When PCR amplification is complete, any dNTPs or primers remaining in the PCR mixture will interfere with downstream applications. ExoSAP-It removes these contaminants.
1. Autophosphorylation activates Dictyosium myosin II heavy chain kinase A by providing a ligand for an allosteric binding site in the alpha-kinase domain.
Crawley S.W., Gharaei M.S., Ye Q., Yang Y., Raveh B., London N., Schueler-Furman O., Jia Z., Côté G.P. (2011) J Biol Chem. 286(4): 2607-16. Epub Nov 11. 2010.
2. A diurnally regulated dehydrin from Avicennia marina that shows nucleo-cytoplasmic localization and is phosphorylated by Casein kinase II in vitro.
Mehta P.A., Rebala K.C., Venkataraman G., Parida A. (2009) Plant Physiol Biochem. 47(8): 701-9. Epub Mar 28. 2009.
1. Dephospho-CoA kinase provides a rapid and sensitive radiochemical assay for coenzyme A and its thioesters. Wadler C., Cronan J.E. (2007) Anal Biochem. 368(1): 17-23. Epub Jun 7. 2007.
2. A comparison of enzymatic digestion for the quantitation of an oligonucleotide by liquid chromatography-isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Donald C.E., Stokes P., O’Connor G., Woolford A.J. (2005) J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 817(2): 173-82.
1. Method enabling pyrosequencing on double-stranded DNA. Nordström T., Nourizad K., Ronaghi M., Nyrén P. (2000) Anal Biochem. 282(2): 186-93.
1、概述:為增加細胞裂解液中蛋白的穩定洗,需要高鹽的提取液,因此清除蛋白中的雜DNA/ RNA 需要耐高鹽的核酸酶,Salt Active Nuclease (SAN)即是一款*的高鹽緩沖液中具有高活性的核酸酶產品,適用于在完善地保護蛋白的前提下清除蛋白緩沖體系中的核酸成分,可在純化蛋白/酶時清除核酸污染,同時可降低蛋白提取液的粘滯度。
高鹽環境(0.5 M NaCl)下表現出*的酶活;
在較低溫度時即可發揮作用(20% at 6ºC);
高活性400.000 Units/mg。
Figure 1: Addition of salt leads to DNA dissociation from proteins, making it available for degradation by the highly active SAN.
注:添加SAN的量要根據蛋白提取物的種類、孵育時間及溫度確定,一般情況下為50-1000 U/ml。在降低細菌或細胞裂解液粘滯度時,如果含有NaCl 可減少SAN用量,如1000 U/ mL無NaCl裂解液 vs. 100 U/mL 含0.25 M NaCl裂解液。
4、商品規格:Pack size: 5000 /25000 U(25U/µl)
1. LitR Is a Repressor of syp Genes and Has a Temperature-Sensitive Regulatory Effect on Biofilm Formation and Colony Morphology in Vibrio(Aliivibrio) salmonicida Appl. Environ. Microbiol. September 2014 vol. 80 no. 17 5530-5541 Published ahead of print 27 June 2014, doi: 10.1128/AEM.01239-14
商品規格:25000 U( 25U/µl)
世界*實驗材料供應商ArcticZymes正式授權上海起發為其中國代理,ArcticZymes在一直是行業的*,一直為廣大科研客戶提供zui為優質的產品和服務,上海起發一直秉承為中國科研客戶帶來的產品,的服務, 簽約ArcticZymes就是為了給廣大科研客戶帶來更加完善的產品和服務,您的滿意將是我們zui大的收獲
ArcticZymes中國代理,ArcticZymes上海代理,ArcticZymes北京代理,ArcticZymes廣東代理,ArcticZymes江蘇代理 ArcticZymes湖北代理, ArcticZymes天津, ArcticZymes黑龍江代理, ArcticZymes內蒙古代理, ArcticZymes吉林代理, ArcticZymes福建代理, ArcticZymes江蘇代理, ArcticZymes浙江代理, ArcticZymes四川代理,
貨號 品名 價格¥ 品牌
80200-250 Heat&Run 8500 (250 reactions) arcticzymes
80200-50 Heat&Run 2125(50 reactions) arcticzymes
80400-100 PCR decontamination kit 1700 (100 rxn) arcticzymes
70500-201 Cod UNG-1-100 1700 arcticzymes
70500-202 Cod UNG-1-1000 7225 arcticzymes
70500-203 Cod UNG-5-2500 14450 arcticzymes
70600-202 dsDNase-2-1000 7650 arcticzymes
70600-201 dsDNase-2-250 2550 arcticzymes
70600-203 dsDNase-5-2500 17425 arcticzymes
70800-202 HL-dsDNase-2-1000 13770 arcticzymes
70800-201 HL-dsDNase-2-250 4590 arcticzymes
70800-203 HL-dsDNase-5-2500 31025 arcticzymes
70900-202 SAN - 25 kU 7140 arcticzymes
70900-201 SAN - 5 kU 2125 arcticzymes
70700-201 rSAP-1-1000 1700 arcticzymes
70700-202 rSAP-1-5000 6800 arcticzymes
2: 貨品全,現經營過700多個品牌,基本所有生物試劑耗材都可以進口,特別是冷偏的產品那就更有優勢,
5:良好的信譽,大部分客戶我們提供貨到付款服務,客戶包括清華,北大 交大 復旦,中山等100多所大學,ROCHE,阿斯利康,國藥 ,fisher等500多家公司
6:我們還是santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc;Athens Research & Technology, bangs, BBInternational, crystalchem, dianova, ArcticZymes, Inc. Genebridege; ArcticZymes Biotechnology GmbH; iduron; ArcticZymes; ArcticZymes; neuroprobe; omicronbio; Polysciences; prospecbi; QA-BIO;quickzyme;RESEARCH DIETS, INC;sterlitech;sysy;TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc;worthington-biochem;zyagen;......幾十家國外公司授權代理
7:我們還從事invitrogen,qiagen; abcam ;sigma;neb; roche;merck; rnd; BD; GE; pierce; BioLegend....等*批發